
NVIDIA 移动设备芯片CPU Tegra K1 Processors 双核丹佛2+四核A57

2022-04-12 16:35:17 gx 67

今天客户在咨询Jetson TX2的处理器的时候查询看到是一颗复合型CPU。


Tegra K1 Processors

NVIDIA移动处理器Tegra Parker:双核丹佛2+四核A57,GPU升级帕斯卡架构

NVIDIA Tegra K1 Series Processors

with Kepler Mobile GPU for Embedded Applications

The NVIDIA® Tegra® K1 series application processor revolutionizes the world of mobile andembedded computing as we know it. 

Tegra K1 processors integrate a power-optimized version of the same Kepler GPU architecture that powers the best-performing graphics cards and systems available today. 

 In fact, Tegra K1 processors are the first to open up features like OpenGL® 4.4, OpenGL ES 3.1 and CUDA®/GPGPU on mobile and embedded devices. 

A high performance image processing pipeline coupled with the power-optimized Kepler GPU and unique Tegra 4-PLUS-1™ CPU Complex enables visual computing and computational solutions on next generation mobile and embedded devices. 

This includes autonomous robotic systems, intelligent video analytics, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and mobile medical imaging.
